Session One Hundred and Nineteen (Graveyard of Empires Summary)

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Session 119

Midnight, 28th of Jourilden, 26 hours before the first high tide before the double high tide.

The party collects itself at the cafeteria centered in the largest underwater dome. While they deliberate with each other, the shark men linger about curiously. Chuq demonstrates the curse is lifted by moving a severed giant squid tentacle within the zone of animation. The shark men are relieved and eager to move south to the sword of Dagon dome.

We decide to investigate the ‘metal fish’ before leaving, At the NW diving well, we learn how to shift the metal fish slung in its cradle about the room by via tracks in the ceiling where the sling is anchored. When the ventral side hatch can be reached, Thorfus and Edan explore within the metal fish. Behind the hatch is a 4’ x 4’ space with a windowed hatch leading further forward into the fish. Past the windowed hatch is another 4’ x 4’ space with a dorsal viewing port looking mostly forward and a control surface with 10 buttons lit with power next to a lever flanked by two pairs of seats. Behind a panel if the fore wall is where Edan discovers the fish’s power supply. Indicator lights imply the fish has less than a quarter capacity remaining.

Edan also discovers a hidden panel that telescopes out with a crystal cylinder containing a plant within labelled as O3 generation micro-algae carbon scrubber — 294314. When asked, Kalguun suggest Nola Davendoor of Xen K’hel would know more about this devise. Edan and Thorfus teach themselves how to control the fish by observing how it responds when actuating the controls. The two decide to take a ride in the submersible and wait patiently as Cannis, Chuq and Ronin do their best to free the craft from it’s cradle. They can hear the three fumble about via the Broachie Talkie. Eventually the ruckus attracts the shark men who express their desire to report to Sha-Ki. Ronan frees the fish by severing the cradle’s chains allowing Thorfus and Edan with most of the gear and monkeys to drive south as Cannis, Chuq and Ronan swim with the shark men.

Sha-Ki is happy to see us, especially since our success fulfills Dagon’s promise. His fervor waxes as he encourages us to take the sword of Dagon to ‘strike down the surface dwellers who do not follow Dagon”. We are invited to join their celebratory feast of the recently undead.

Moving our meeting to the hanging air pockets so that Chuq can speak to Carchus without the ESP skull cap, we convince Sha-Ki’s people to run off the sea hags and trolls guarding the wreck in the cover, move the sword of Dagon to the beach for us, collect any unclaimed treasure from the now clean waters about the domes to the north and deliver much more water breathing corral. Chuq promises to tell our tale only to Carchus, so that he has first distribution and copy rights. Carchus also learns that Cannis ‘isn’t so dumb’ either!

The shark men excuse us from their feast which lasts for some time. The feeding frenzy bloodies the water and causes collateral damage to the smaller, younger or weaker shark people. Left to ourselves, Ronan agrees to wear the skull cap to speak with the night court. Considering he is the least threatening if they possess the wearer like Brice had.

Our parley is long. It bears validations and confirmations as well as new troubles and options.

The Night Court, speaking through Serithaz only this time, is doing fine and the one before (Brice Hissel) is contained, their transfer into the skull cap went well. They have ‘spun out’ Brice into many iterations: one that was broken; one that was tortured; one that is mindless and the original. They can also collate the iterations into a version that can answer any questions we have.

Probing further, Serithaz shares with us what the Night Court has learned from Brice: She died quite young at 254 years old in her first and only consecutive life. The timing of this death coincides with when the party slew her in the under city of Xen K’hel. She was found by Marchmain as an acolyte and was raised by him when he gave her the holy symbol that allowed Xeno Tel to speak with her remotely. Her first mission was with a previous group that she had ambushed then planned to do the same to us. Her Holy Symbol was made of same material as the information reliquaries which allowed Xeno Tel to speak with her directly. Before her death, Xeno Tel cultivated her as his agent and encouraged her help in his plans. Marchmain had decided the Starchie Boys would be the best bet to find the lost anti-virus cure. We had a better success rate than Marchmain’s own soldiers. Brice was meant to deliver the anti-virus to Marchmain herself or subsequent to her death, via a possessed Chuq.

Brice knew Marchmain had initially died when the crystal tower fell and that the dwarf we met was that ancient soul in a new body. After her death, Brice within the ESP skull cap, used Chuq’s body to communicate with Marchmain about our anti-virus adventure. He was unconcerned that we overloaded the pathogen research facility and slew the catatonic Praxilthalmus, expressing only slight annoyance. Since the party acted precipitously, he couldn’t respond in time. Whenever the party returned to Xen K’hel, Chuq’s possessed body would contact Marchmain to report on our adventures below the city.

Xeno Tel had recently awoken sometime during the last Tenrilden, contacted by ‘those beyond the stars’. He was forced to sequester himself within a section of his orbital palace to escape Praxilthalmus’ virus. Xeno and Marchmain are concerned about the magical orbs that prevent their transports from reaching Xeno Tel’s orbital palace, since Praxilthalmus’ virus turned them against Xeno Tel.

Through Serithaz, the night court agrees to work with us against Marchmain and Xeno Tel. Their first priority is to keep the Anti-virus cure away from Xeno Tel’s orbital palace. If it was delivered and successful, Xeno Tel could then prepare the way for the others beyond the stars. Those others wish to visit Media to the detriment of all non-Dwarves. (Thorfus is somewhat taciturn during this part of the conversation) Not a person or dwarf, Xeno Tel is the machine that controls the orbital palace or the gate keeper. Perhaps if the need were great, delivering the night court to the orbital palace might allow them to overwhelm/confront Xeno Tel maybe even wresting control of the palace from him! Admittedly, this possibility is only conjecture at this time. Since Araquel has animated the dead similarly to how they have, it is thought the secrets of the virus can be unlocked from Praxilthalmus’ corpse. Allowing Marchmain other attempts at an Anti-Virus cure. Angry that Praxilthalmus left with Araquel, Marchmain told Brice was to immediately contact him if the party found her body again. Marchmain is worried that she is alive.

Next we speak of Kalgunn the Elder. He knows more than want they have learned but currently has defenses up. Kalgunn has lied (has always lied) about his abilities and intentions, knowledge of Xeno Tel and the cataclysmic event(?). Like a machine manipulating us for what is coming. His primary goal is survival and secondary dominance. He wants electricity from Xen Khel but they don’t know exactly why. Kalgunn is strong but they might bluff him to reveal more. Sounds like a job for Edan. Whatever the cataclysm is, it approaches soon. Kalgunn is worried he won’t survive this cataclysm which is why want to know what it is.

Araquel’s power, like their own, comes from Lysander. Lysander, the ancient dragons who’s sloughed off scales are what they are??? They are what’s left of Lysander so they are one with her. When asked about the Dragon Orb in Gronk’s possession, they dismiss it’s risk since the ancient Dragon Orbs where never powerful enough to effect the Ancient Ones: Azreal (Dragon Emperor); Prixithalmus (Emperor’s Consort), Lysander & Dagon (deity of the Shark Men, lost to the deepest deep). The dragon orbs only control the Dwarven bioforged wingless dragons like the river dragons under Gronsk’s sway. The monk feels a little dragon envy at that….

The night court and Brice don’t believe Kalgunn has spoken to Marchmain. Marchmain is aware of Kalgunn from Brice and told her he doesn’t want Kalgunn near the anti-virus cure. Since Kalgun regards Marchmain as a rival, it makes sense to us.

Marchmain’s designs hinge on transporting the cure to the orbital palace. Protecting the magical orbital orbs from the anti-virus or any other threats is our best course.

Xeno Tel is the original program controlling the orbital palace. Xen Teler is the corrupted program resulting from Praxithalmus’ virus. Azreal did not know Xeno Tel had survived.

They are curios why Drays & Gronsk are involved with Mermen succession and will advise us after we have parleyed with Drays when we return to Midmark.