Session Seven Summary (Graveyard of Empires: After the Fall)

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Session 7, August 19 2020



The party has successfully led the Montoan refugees home and recaptured their village from the Shemmites. However, Vikram is missing and may have been captured by dark elves. We continue on the morning of the 9th of Tenrilden with the party preparing to begin their search for the djinn ...

Session Summary

Session 7 - Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The morning of the 9th of Tenrilden in Montoa.

Montoans wash the bodies of their dead and their wounds seal up, but they remain dead.

Kalea tell us that the vessels were clay with symbols that resemble ancient common.

She draws what she recalls of them.

Rallion suggests that perhaps the clay of the lake can be used to make new vessels along with the water to wet it.

One member of the village has experience working clay, so they will try it.

Bavmorda elects to stay in Montoa for the sister power.

Kauri uses the "Matriarch" dagger from the alternate shrine with the sacrificial alter to carve a light rune on Laris and he casts light on the dagger. It lasts about the same time as the pre-magiocalypse spell (2 hours) and carving the rune takes about as much time as casting time.

Kauri asks TikTok how far he can sense Vikram. It depends. Generally requires the same distance as we speak to each other, or he can sense creatures shadow stepping, and sometimes tell what they are.

We bind the hands of the Shem prisoner, Hun-Batz and make him show us where they met the drow.

Rallion pledges to Kalea to do all he can to protect Montoa and return it to greatness.

A couple hours later we find a clearing with the scattered remnants of a magic circle made from a mix of chalk and salt.

We also find a used scroll. The prisoner tells us something like Vikram was working with the drow.

Braadlur confirms the scroll is of a skin type used by the Drow.

Kauri and Oskar take the prisoner back to Montoa where Kalea promises a trial. They turn to follow after us.

We leave signs using Fisher's sticky excretion. It only takes about ten minutes to come to a gully with a cave where a stream follows the gully.

Braadlur & Fisher checked out the cave and Fisher could smell the Drow.

There was a fire off across the gully. We investigate the fire and it is from a piece of XenoTel that crashed and created a gash and broke trees. The fire is fading.

Find laser rifle, info cubes, environmental suits, and 200 platinum pieces.

Kauri, Oskar, Braadlur, & Fisher show up.

We investigate passages and stop at doors since there is no power and will have to be forced.

We find spiral stairs and hear a buzzing in the upper floor and find a giant hornet.

We surprise it and Braadlur carves Speak with Animals and the rest of us ready for a fight.

It wants to find the fields, and Braadlur points it to the exit and flies past us.

It goes past us and we left and went back to the cave.