Treatise on Curabel's Dragons

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From a Treatise on Curabel’s Dragons

Authored by Milicenta de Barkell

This text is clearly the work of archival research rather than field study; Milicenta never recounts any firsthand experiences with dragons or even interviews others who have met the creatures. All the same, there are some bits of information to be gleamed:

  • Researchers widely accept a basic two-part division in the dragon species between those varieties with wings and those without. Here are some quick facts about these groups:
    • The historical record suggests that the winged variety has always been exceedingly rare, while wingless dragons were once much more common on the isles of Curabel.
    • Historical records also reveal that wingless dragons tended to nest closer to civilized settlements and interact with humanoids; there is no hard evidence that this fact has bearing upon the previous one.
    • Although individuals vary, wingless dragons have a tendency toward curiosity and good-naturedness if not outright generosity in their reported interactions with humanoids; winged dragons do not willingly partake in such interactions and tend towards dishonesty and harsh cruelty when they do so.
    • Wingless and winged dragons appear to have no interest in each other’s doings and reports based on observations of individuals of each group nesting close to one another indicate they do not directly compete for resources or territory.
  • The natural lifespan of dragons is a subject of considerable conjecture since no example of one succumbing to old age has ever been recovered. It is clear, though, that their lifespans are measured in centuries at the very least.
  • The most “famous” dragon in Curabel was known to lair in the Mikhel Peaks on the western side of Curmidden/Midland and went by the name “Myrientaxus.” Just after the rebellion from the empire, he was commonly seen traveling between several of the islands on unknown business. His last confirmed sighting was approximately four hundred years ago, although unsubstantiated rumors of his continued existence crop up every few decades.
  • Folklore posits that there is a philosophical split between good and evil-natured groups of winged dragons, differentiated by their coloring. No evidence in reputable sources confirms this tale, though. Except for mated pairs, all winged dragons appear to be loners with motivations rooted in egocentric selfishness.
  • While winged dragons are the symbol of imperial might and that nation’s leader takes the hereditary title “Immortal Dragon Emperor,” there is no evidence of affinity between any dragon variety and the empire. Still, the association of the two has almost certainly colored everyday perceptions of the creatures.
  • Folklore again provides a suspect theory related to the imperial connection, claiming that the majority of winged dragons left Curabel for the mainland when the empire was founded. Similar stories have been reported to exist in imperial historical lore, but also without any supporting evidence.
  • Archeological evidence from ancient dwarven ruins suggests that animosity between humanoids and winged dragons has a long history. All known artifacts and artwork from the dwarven empire depicting these dragons clearly marks them as a destructive force. Depictions of wingless dragons have not been recovered.