Session Eighty-Three (Graveyard of Empires Summary)

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SESSION 83 – 17 Nov 2015

We press on into the ruins and encountered more monkeys, this time, two pushing a mine cart. We slew one and the other got away.

We checked out the other side of a door and found the first of three forge rooms, each with 5 monkeys and a gorilla bolted in place. The gorillas had huge hammers for arms. They were making and refurbishing, gears, springs, and metal plates.

Some monkeys fled. Of the ones we “killed” we stuffed in large sacks, and are up to 19 monkeys in 4 large sacks.

The monkeys ran away into the 2.5′ x 2.5 ‘ tunnels they have elsewhere in the city.

The tracks periodically have trap doors, that are more like hatches on a ship that drop down 5 feet into more 2.5 x 2.5 tunnels.

Of the three rooms we cleared of monkeys, we plugged up the bolt holes and jammed the doors of two rooms.

We now have two mine carts and have pulled back to rest and let the spellcasters recover their spells, and heal up.

The carts are off the tracks with some metal plates to give us cover from the hallway to the north.

This is grim business, but at least it doesn’t seem to be full of damnable undead.

How long until we find an overseer and can put a stop to these monkeys wreaking havoc?

Perhaps we can find a way to re-charge our batteries here?

We also think that the passages to the south might lead to the Hall of Pillars.

I hope mother is satisfied with my letter.