Session One Hundred and Eighty-Five (Graveyard of Empires Summary)

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SESSION 185 January 10, 2018

We take another week for Bavmorda to train as an assassin.

Rallion uses scrying mask and Xen Khel is swarming with infected undead. They are cut off from leaving the high area near the former 3 Sister’s Temple, because the bridge is missing. The colossus is gone.

A lot more options for the mask are available than they were since Sittung altered the orbitals.

Vargen is flooded and severely damaged. Streets are flooded and swarming with infected undead. Boats in the flooded streets are overturned and their occupants dragged under. The colossus from Xen Khel is now sprawled out over the castle and market area of Vargen. Ships are washed up into the town. The Verdant Fellowship grove is destroyed along with the other temples,

Midmark – The lower city is flooded, the floating shipyard is razed and majorly damaged. Newtown is flooded. There are people who have been hung that have signs of a different illness. The upper city is in good shape and the town guard and grey cloaks are keeping people out. There is a huge airship over the city from the Dragon Empire. One day some important Midmark officials (Jardin) and a city delegation is having some sort of discussion with an Imperial commander.

Most of the ships we see are from Feldmark, and there are a lot of them.

Verdant Fellowship had some flooding but is mostly spared.

Xenilum Khel’s main gate is caved in and under guard. A big change from when Rallion went there looking for Thorfus and company.

Kauri questions the DVL on the probability sword and it looks insubstantial and fades in and out until it notices Kauri can see him, and focuses and becomes the most brilliant DVL there. Kauri asks if the charges from one battery could be brought into our reality. Yes, but it would destroy that reality. It would require a deal – a promise to do a favor by the one making the deal. That price is too steep.

The questioning moves to the clock who tells us that Xeno Tel created the DVLs and has a marvelous device where the DVLs are brought into the batteries. When a charge is used from a battery another DVL consumes it. A DVL is in an ancient Dwarven made item. Daemons were corrupted by Prixithalma to not longer serve the Dwarves and are only in magic items created since the fall of the ancient Dwarven Empire.

Xeno Tel delivered the original dwarves who were the initial force that landed on Medeia to prepare for the arrival of the colonists. It took Xeno Tel a few hundred years to arrive. the clock was created 4,999 years and a few months ago, at the time of the First Dragon War. So it takes 5,000 years for the colony ships to arrive. Medeia is not the first nor the last stop on “The Great Road” which is the constellation on the floor in the throne room in Xen Khel. The colonists come and strip the resources and then move on to the next place.

The DVL in the sword is a great one and is not concerned about the shard. It can’t kill it, only drive it away from this reality.

If we block the portal the colonists will go to the next place, or take the long way here.

There are hundreds more like Xeno Tel. Supposedly more colonists.

The water outside the cave has no DVLs. Dark Elf boots, cloaks, and armor also have no DVLs or daemons. The shard destroying DVLs and daemons violates the law of conservation of energy.

Rallion keeps watching over the sites with the scrying mask.

Nash rides the roc and discovers that more training is needed. Serithaz does better programming so that the roc responds to bridle to turn and taps to descend and ascend.

First day Nash sees that the ship is a Midmark merchant ship, The Bronze Wizard. The watch sees Nash on the Roc

Rallion prepares to rides with Nash & Lambertus in a net.

Dark Green robbed human is squinting on the carving on the door. Wizardly robes. He has aerial transportation. His name is Auriol. Came from Midmark. Tallest peak. things not good in Midmark. Looks back at opening and decides not to go there. Explosion in bay and giant tidal wave. Looking for friends of his, a woman, very beautiful with red hair. (Very good speaking habits.) He was staying at the castle with Lord Jardin giving hospitality to visitors. On a relief mission to helpout. From Feldmark. His friend is a powerful sorceress. Last scene near hear to the north. In company of adventurers. A dwarf, Thorfus Ironhand, and this group is problematic, and monk with order of Celestial Dragon some clerics of Baldric Evenkeel. Hoping to gring them back to Midmark. They are needed, Lord Jardin specifically asked for him. Visiting Lord Thornton still there, rep of city, chief liason with various relief groups. Thornton smoothed over agreements for relief. (Lord Jardin said he’s from River Mark. a small city state south of Curmiden. A persuasive fellow. These people were the Protectors of the Council.)

Serithaz can’t read this guy.

Auriol can read it. Calendar, light comes through the door, nothing important.

He wants to stroll around. Mentions that if we have aerial transporation. Will be great reward is we bring news to Midmark. Very essential to the rebuilding process. Go straight to the Council of Elders.

All the Midmark Navy ships were destroyed near Vargen enforcing the embargo.

Red Haired lady, Prix, these heroes saved her. Rallion asked about the story of Lady Em, Auriol told us based on a real story.

Definitely a green dragon. Flies to NE towards Jager’s tower.

We debate if Jardin and Auriol are a faction supporting Prix.