Session One Hundred and Forty-Nine (Graveyard of Empires Summary)

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SESSION 149 March 29, 2017

8:15 PM 4th day of Holiday

On side of mountain, Chuq & Thorfus attempt to face the “wind”.

Glavnung calls it a wind devil and they protect their territory, the top of mountains. We flee, it follows for a ways, but does not attack.

We see Marientaxus inthe distance and use the Starchy badge to signal. He lands and we explain the situation. He agress to bring Glavnung along.

Suddenlty 3 lightning bolts from 3 draw hit Marientaxus. We fire our bows, and Mireintasus breathes lightning and drops one.

One of the two that remains, appears to cast continual light on the ground, but it is actually a portal. Several drow emerge and Edan casts ice storm and some fall and are injured, with one falling to his death.

An unnaturally tall dwarf in power armor follows behind the drow. He has a glowing gem somewhere on his head. A voice from the broachy talky again invites Thorfus to join him. He flips a switch and then there are four of him with a sword like that.

Glavnung flees downhill. We managed to all reach Marientaxus who flies us back to his mountain.

Ronan is healed but wakes thinking we are demons, and he strikes down Belisente, who we rush to aid. Thorfus grapples Ronan and Ronan is bound.

We begin to discuss our options, and plan to leave the mountain tomorrow.

We found that the broachy talky allows the mad king to talk to us, but not see us.

Edan tries to ask Kalgun a question, but Kalgun is not there. Did he go into the dragon, another magical device, an undying?

Marientaxus, Kottar, and Prixathalma will go in one direction, and the rest of use plan to go to the illusionists, and train, and perhaps get modifications.

There will be much to discuss in coming days….

NOTE: John asked that we resolve where we are going and who is delivered to which location by Marientaxus here on the G+ Community page for the campaign.