Session One Hundred and Ninety-Six (Graveyard of Empires Summary)

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SESSION 196 – 03/28/2018

About 9 am, see the ship on the water coming back up river and see the infected following along.

c. 300 of them are coming.

We had are preparations in place.

3 waves of them run into the pit.

Entagle and web hold all but 7 in place.

The exploding powder kegs kill them all.

The guardsmen gather up the bits that aren’t buried, and bury them and cover up the poorly buried bits so they can keep them under control.

We suggest they send a ship with clerics to look for survivors.

It will be a few days before any ships can get past the mouth of the river, so we return to Feldmark where we are greeted as heroes with shouts of “Keepers, Keepers!” (AKA Keepers of the Council of Midmark.)

Rallion was the last off the ship and is perceived as the leader, so Cuddy Hawk holds up Rallion’s hand, waits for the cheers to die down, and says that while we came as Keepers of the Council of Midmark, we are now the Defenders of Feldmark.

There will be a processional in our honor tomorrow from the temple square to the council square.

We will be given rooms at which we can stay at the castle whenever we are in town. Poorly furnished for now. We will also receive 12,000 gp in gems, and perhaps other emoluments.

Cuddy cautions us to be ready bright and early for the processional.

The countdown timer is at 00000.01.22. If we take 1 day for celebration, 7 days for training (Bavmorda, Laris, Oskar, Kauri?, and ??), and 3 days to get to Lonely Isle, we should reach Lonely Isle on 01.10. [I missed something – I came up with 13 days leeway to find the ship to work on it for two weeks and launch.]