Session One Hundred and Ninety-Three (Graveyard of Empires Summary)

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SESSION 193 Tuesday, March 6, 2018

We meet back at the safe house and Aldus, Mortimer, and Cvelnid have packed up and are taking Em to the small dwarven khel up river. It is not an ancient Khel. They want to keep Em safe.

Rallion waits until the others are away and sets his magic aside and ties a rope to the shard and shuts the rope inside the shard with it.

On his way back to join the party, the still invisible Nash has Serithaz influence the minds of all he passes to believe in Lysander and wake up shouting about Lysander. As this is midnight or so, we are not around to hear the result.

Nash arrives at the safe house and tells Em to pray to Lysander, the woman of his vision. He takes off Serithaz before speaking about this.

We find wating for us a warrant signed by Cuddy Hawke authorizing us to take a barge downriver with a contingent of guards.

We pass by the haberdasher on the way to the barge, and we find some thugs beating up – Benedict, a prior associate of Bavmorda’s new henchman, Estill. Estill hides in shadows evading him. The thugs, lead by Asa, claim he had a 50 gp reward on his head for burning the refugee camp and letting a bunch of Midmark refugees into Feldmark.

Rallion drafts the lot, including Benedict. Nash learns that Estill thinks very poorly of Benedict, but they come to an agreement to dump him in the river on the way to Landing.

Nash has Serithaz program the Haberdasher to go with us to finish the training of Bavmorda and Laris.

We stop by the ship and borrow the iron chest of the captain to put all our magic in so we can more safely take out the shard. We make the thugs carry it.

We get to the appointed dock, take charge of a barge and the two guards near it and head down river.

We go downstream and after 30 minutes, we meet up with survivors fleeing Landing, and learn that the infected are on the other bank perhaps 50 of them. 30 minutes later we see movement on the bank and they are the infected, many more than 50 but less than 100. They step to the shallows and one tries to get to us and is swept downstream. The rest stand watching and waiting. Laris bangs his grappling hook on the side of the barge to attact more of the infected.

Bav and Laris take turns trying to hook an infected and finally get one, and cross to the the other bank and tangle it in a fishing net we took (Rallion left 10 gp with the captain for the poor fisherman), and restrain it and Lambertus casts cure disease on it, and it quits moving. Bavmorda spinkles a bit of her cure disease potion on it and it rapidly turns the fungal growths black, much faster than the cure disease was doing. We bring the body along on our journey downriver to make sure it is truly deadly. Before restraining it, Rallion stowed his magic items and tried the shard, and it did not work. We really need to deal with this disease, in case magic is destroyed. All clerics need to go seeking the infected and cure them before we complete our mission…..

We reach landing at dawn and it is a scene of the chaos of battle. We go to the guard ship that we met going to Feldmark, and hear men calling for help. We board the ship and “kill” a severly infected cleric of Lysander. We use cargo nets for the cannons to tie it to the deck and rescue the trapped crew. Nash gives the commander his cure disease potion, and cures his wounds. Two other crew were scratched and Bavmorda sprinkles a few drops of the cure disease potions on the bite marks and it looks better.

We have learned that those killed and infected rise quickly. Those made ill take longer to die and turn. It appears that the combination of cure disease and the cure disease potion work. Perhaps two cure diseases per victim will have the same results. This makes the corraling and controlling of the afflicted who are undead the most crucial to control.

While questioning the commander and working out what to do, we are rammed by the undead whale. We get to the side of the ship that was pushed out of the way, and Rallion used his sword in its scabbard to slide down the rope tied to the barge and the lead guard cut the rope. The whale broke past the ship, and Rallion has just enough time to stow his magical gear, while Oskar prepare to open the chest with the shard….

{We roll for initiative next week….}