Session One Hundred and Sixty-Four (Graveyard of Empires Summary)

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Session #164: The Sleeper Has Awakened!

(We handled our Psionics this session)

Journal Entry – Nearly sunrise. {didn’t take note of the day}

As we prepare for our battle against the dragon intent on destroying us I’ll relate what has happened over the last few hours.

The ritual was a success – Prixathalma is alive. I scarcely can believe it myself, but there she was in her full dragon glory.

Her reactions were confused, luckily we made sure the first person she’d see was Mariantaxsis and she recognized her kin and immediately began speaking with him in Dragonic. (I must learn this language if given the chance!)

Kotar roughly explain what was said – that she at asked him if he had rescued her, to which he explained no, we did, and went on to explain generally the current situation regarding the flight of 3 dragon on their way to eliminate her and all of us.

Finally noting our presence – she focused on Thorfus and began question him in Ancient Dwarven. He and I did our best to answer, including informing her about Xenotel visiting our dreams. She tells its troubling, but could be a way to access Xentel that way if need be.

Thorfus repeats the impending arrival of the Dragons and questions if she would know if they’d be carrying Imperial Dervishes. Not surprisingly she didn’t know who the Dervishes were (I figure that the imperial dervishes came into being much after he “death’’) but did know about the shadow stepping. She alluded that normally dragon wouldn’t stoop to carrying lesser creature, but admitted that during the Rebellion she and others did so.

She then wanted to hear the Prophecy that Mariantaxis mentions, Axel obliged, repeating the words he heard during his long road back to us. Thorfus and I then explain who the Liar, Mad King and Consort are (though she knew exactly who the last one was) and explain what we hope we can accomplish. She explains it’s possible that our plan may work, especially if we can undo what she did to the Orbital Defenses to prevent the Dwarves from repairing what she had done.

Thorfus also explained the plans (as we know them) of the other factions – Dark King, Silverthrone and Imperials. She did not seems too concerned with them (or did not show it) as we moved on to discuss our next course of action.

After some deliberation we decide to explore the crash-site in the hopes of finding items that may help us against the coming dragons or the other factions (she’s a big fan of using other people’s devices against them) as she’s still not fully recovered from her resurrection.

NOTE: We did not tell her everything yet, the fate of her son and Chuq’s misguided attempt to end the crisis by eliminating her and the death of her old allies.

Our explorations were fruitful:

Amodeus spoke with Zyaid and discovers a treasure trove of items including a repair wand, exo-suits, schematics for some micro repair droids, electro-stics

Zyaid also confirmed that the fighters are functional and the Beserker is aswell, though defective.

He also has a plan to self-destruct while we escape through a tunnel made by a Bulette

He also confirmed that the ship could not fly again, nor did it have a battery charging unit.

Amodeus was quick to use the Repair Wand on the Beserker – giving us one more weapon.

We also find a fully functional repair pair, allowing us to repair Thorfus’ monkeys – and later the Beserker, after it managed to defeat the Bullette blocking our escape.

Chuq informed me that Zyaid confirmed that the fluid in the tanks could not repair the damage caused by Jagger’s manipulations – though the scars could. Also – after Thorfus’ use of the tanks to heal – we discovered that they too seem to have been affected by the strange energy emitted by the engines earlier. (Must question Kalgunn about these engines)

With Zyades help we confirm that if Prix wears one of mind protecting rings she cannot easily be detected by the ships – and therefore – the other dragons.

With our search complete, and our escape route clear – we begin to plan exactly how we will defeat the oncoming storms: Red, Blue and likely Black.

We have the skiff loaded with what we found and have it moved far enough to avoid detection.

Chuq hopes to trap one in the Shadow-Realm – risking his own entrapment. Mariantaxis believes he could likely defeat or divert one – leaving one for us.

This may be my last entry – unless my ancestors say otherwise.