Session One Hundred and Sixty (Graveyard of Empires Summary)

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SESSION 160 – JULY 12, 2017

8:20 PM, 22nd Masrilden Dwarven clock still at zeroes & 3.23.

Three Dragons will arrive at Dawn, c. 6 AM.

We moved the skiff with the back in front of the opening and Chuq and Axel stay behind to coordinate defenses. Myrientaxus stands guard at the front. Thorfus sets one monkey on front and one each side, and the fourth on patrol.

We go to opening and the rope is hanging against a different side of the hallway. Thorfus asks Edan to look for traps and he finds none.

Thorfus is surprised by falling on the bed when he steps in, the ship has a different “down”.

Thorfus helps Owen and Laurente in so they can help the others in while Thorfus peeks around the hallway, there are faint green lights on each door control.

Thorfus goes to an open door and see three hideous bat like creatures with human-like heads. He attacks and does a lot of damage. It fights back and the other two do nothing. It does a bit of damage to Thorfus. Thorfus hits hard and is helped by Nash. Thorfus hits hard and it still does not go down. thorfus hits again and drops it, the other two attack Nash mentally and he flees in panick, followed by his man servant.

Suddenly, down changes to the down we first encountered here. All fall, Owen is knocked unconscious, Laurente grabs the rope, and Lambertus and Thorfus fall to the first set of partially open double doors. Nash and his servant are already at the bottom. Thorfus managed to close the door before he falls, trapping the bat-like creatures. Before this sudden change, Thorfus noted the presence of an information reliquary (cube) and a gold circlet.

Lambertus heals Thorfus a bit, adn Laurente takes Owen outside, and Thorfus directs them to not bring Prix inside until we solve the changing gravity issue.

We open a door to try to get into a room that we hope has a door to the room on the other side of the glass at the bottom of the pit/end of the hall. Inside is a table fastened to the wall/floor and chairs, coins, bone dice, and an information cube (reliquary). Thorfus retrieves the reliquary and the power comes back changing down again. Thorfus opens the door to the “bridge”.

Edan learns that the cube is a flight simulator for the ship. Thorfus finds a gold circlet on the former captain and puts it on and is assaulted by what is something like another gold circlet. Thorfus asks Edan if he knows where the skull cap is to help fight the other circlet. Edan agrees. Serithaz fights off the other entity, but comes back begging me to take off the circlet as the other thing seems to surround us and is not locallized. He detects a monkey “north” and level unknown. He also detects a dwarven warrior that is down. Thorfus puts the ring back on to block Serithaz after telling him he is doing so, Serithaz thanks him for the courtesy. Before that Serithaz said that Edan better practice what’s on the cube before we try to fly the ship.

Thorfus also take the dragon armor with dwarven stone brooch and a magic longsword from the former captain. Nash takes a thick platinum armband from the captain. When Nash sits in the captain’s chair it comes alive and each are opens, one with a tablet with a menu listing a long string of items in a damage report. The other holds an information reliquary. Nash’s servant gathers up all the gold and platinum coins in the one room.

Thorfus cycles through the damage reports and gets back to the main menu:

Damage Report

Deck Plan

Review Flight Info

Pre Flight Check

Thorfus chooses deck plan and we learn that we are on the mid-deck and there is one deck above and one below. The engines occupy all three levels at the rear/top of the ship. Edan makes a record of the deck plans in common. We find the cloning chamber, two fighter launch bays, two beserker launch bays, medical bay, engineering, etc.

Edan reviews the cube and it is the final flight plan. The ship was re-commissioned to fight in the rebellion against the dwarves. It has the last known good authorization codes for Xeno Tel, with docking instructions. It appears that it was shot down, but couldn’t determine details.

It was at this moment that power went out and the gravity changed. Thorfus quickly checked with Serithaz and the lack of power did not affect the other gold-circlet level entity.

We left off and it was 10:03 PM with just under 8 hours until the dragons arrive.

Thorfus is wanting to find the monkey and take care of the gold-circlet level entity so we can safely make enough clones to restore Prixithalma, perhaps get control of a berserker and fighters to be able to deal with the approaching dragons…..