Session One Hundred and Three (Graveyard of Empires Summary)

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  1. 103: Emergency Protocols: 6:34 PM 3D Jourelden

Journal Entry – 3d of Jourelden – late evening.

We’ve returned from the Special Research Area, normally we’d be in high spirits – but tonight is different.

Since my last brief entry about our failed attempts to wake Prix, The Dragon Consort, much has happened to our company – not all of it good.

It began after Derich attempted to remove Prix from the confines of her chair and prison. Almost immediately alarms sounded, and the platform on which she sat fell into the de synchronization field below – trapping both Derich and Prix.

Knowing that the facility’s defenses were deadly (see sketches 4 through 8, and my last few entries). Chuq and I quickly reasoned that our best option was to our combined talents to return to the administration office with Lord Thorfus’s administration key in order to de-activate the emergency protocols before the facility destroyed – or worse – itself.

As we began our mission, a flash of light quickly followed by an explosion rocked the facility reminded us of the severity of the situation. With a monkey-automaton in tow, we immediately “shadow-stepped” to a visible “canon” room in order to avoid the now activated silver-domed automaton (see sketch 4) – while the monkey scampered across the ceiling allowing Thorfus to “see” our progress. From there we were able to see into the Portal Room where we left Blaze and Pons to watch over it.

Sadly we saw Blaze sprawled on the floor and Pons cowering behind the portal trying to shield himself from the now active defense cannon on the other side of the portal room. I now can note that the canons seem to fire lightning at their targets with unnerving accuracy.

With little hesitation Chuq and I stepped once more, appearing in front of the automaton defending the room leading into the Administrator’s Office. Thankfully, we went unnoticed by the machine as we were cloaked by our magical garments.

Moments later, I successfully disabled the Emergency Protocols – saving Pons from electrocution.

With the facility no longer against us I decided to collect the remnants of the “micro-automat on” Kalgunn the Younger created and the discarded flying suit – even without a power source I may be able to learn more about it.

I returned to the portal room to find that Chuq had successfully reopened the portal to Engineering securing our escape route. As I approached I noticed that the Derich’s ancient compatriots had collected the ropes we used earlier upon our arrival to help pull up Prix and Derich from the trap below.

What happened next – changed everything.

Thorfus, Chuq and I huddled together against the howling winds in order to listen the Chuq’s plan to strand the Ancients and Prix here – seal the facility and destroy them and XenoTel – forever ridding Currabel of any further risks from a resurgent XenoTel.

I was stunned and instinctively placed my hand on the Portal Key. Prompting a look from Chuq I will not soon forget. Although I agreed with destroying the facility, I argued that Prix and Derich were heros, and that she was too valuable an asset, not just for my own research, but to all Currabel against the Emperor. Thorfus was of a similar mind set – yet Chuq was unrelenting in his argument.

He reminded Thorfus about a Dragon Control Orb – something I was not aware of- was still in the hands of unscrupulous forces and could be used on Prix – rendering her a threat. He then argued that Prix was the cure, that if we brought her out shed could be “made” to undo what she did – thus restoring XenoTel. I disagreed, stating that the cure was pieced together by the researchers here, that they probably only watched her memory of her orchestration of the fall in order to make a remedy – he countered – and I retorted for a while, but I felt myself wavering in my conviction.

While we argued, Prix and Derich were successfully pulled out of their trap – she was still unconscious and were making their way back to us in the portal room.

There’s no hiding the fact that Chuq disliked Derich and did not trust the other Ancients. I could see the Thorfus was not pleased with their independent actions and I assume even he was having second thoughts about them.

I was – am – tired… and I’m not proud of what happened next.

I contemplated murder. Planned it. I would wait till they began their crossing and cut the rope, having them fall to their doom. I was ready – sword already in hand.

But I hesitated – Prix lay before us and I walked away to the other side of the portal – my mind screaming.

Chuq, however, did not. He plunged his dagger in the base of the skull of the prone Prix – likely killing her instantly. Panic ensued.

I don’t remember much after that, Gorianus – one of the more convivial ancients, tried to tackle me after, as I was told later, smashing the stone portal disk.

In the confusion I managed to fling myself through the portal back to engineering before the portal closed – not everyone was so lucky. The ancients remained behind with their Dragon – except for Derich – he managed to get through. Enraged, he swung at Chuq who deftly dodged the blow and then proceeded to break Derich’s arm, then neck with a series of well placed blows. I doubt many would have survived such an attack.

After everything settled, we discussed destroying the facility – but found we could not due to a missing password.Though thankfully we’ll be able to destroy that fiendish Pathogen facility.

Our thoughts morbidly swung towards whether or not we should rescue the baby dwarf, and if so how to get him (or her) past Marchmain convincingly. I even consulted with Kalgunn regarding the rescue – though I’m too tired to listen to its attempts to convince me to return to that place.

I plead for rest and Thorfus agreed – so as I sit and write this – Thorfus sits lost in thought, his silence deafening. Chuq seems unfazed and the rest are bunking down in silence.

I for one am conflicted – did we do the right thing? I feel that my time exploring these ruins are coming to an end – I have learned much and acquired items that will take me years to decipher and understand. Was it worth it? Were the Eders right? What’s next?

History, my kin and my ancestors will be my judge.