Session One Hundred and Twenty-Seven (Graveyard of Empires Summary)

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  1. 127: Sometime after midnight 11th-12th Tel Renden

12th of Tel Renden

Morning is upon the city of Midmark and everything has changed. The history I’ve learned – that we’ve all learned – is now suspect.

My last entry described how we were out-maneuvered by a cunning opponent, nearly killed, how we had become outlaws (from “heroes to zeros,” as colourfully put by Ronin) and were scurrying for our lives in the sewers.

As we waited for the grate to be opened, we discussed our options: to run, escape to the ship (which we had instructed to cast-off and wait in the bay) and leave Midmark or stay and try to clear our name since it was likely we’d need their help later.

Margin Note: Sarcof. Of Umamah Runnelbrook is here.

After some debate we concluded our only option was to attempt capturing Jardin/Thornton (yes, we discover this later) again and bring him to Aldus Runnelbrook whose reputation would help us clear our name.

After covering our tracks, we started by heading into the sewers that the company, apparently, were already familiar with it.

I suspected that wasn’t entirely true and was about to say something to Thorfus about that when we heard the faint sounds of an argument further down the sewer we were following.

Chuq and I immediately moved forward to investigate for obvious reasons. We quickly saw a troubling situation – some 20 armed men – mercenary bodyguards by the look of them – were shaking down the family they were hired by. Deplorable.

While Chuq relayed what was happening and I was contemplating how I could take out their leader. Thorfus, Axel and Ronin came barreling down the corridor. Our element surprise wasted – but the faces of the mercenaries when three heavily armed warriors cleaved their leader in two was worth it. Needless to say their morale was broken and they fled.

The family was a native one – roughly 12 people including children. The head of the family had done well for himself as a cartographer and was very thankful for our aid and not only helped us find our way to Thornton’s (he had mentally mapped the sewers – remarkable) but said he’d happily help us with our any cartography needs. I may take him up on that offer.

Not long after following the man’s directions we hear more voices, this time goblin. Chuq chirped that he knew the sources and called out for Malakor rather quickly. I’m told he was an old ally from the last time the company came by the sewers.

Chuq was right – it was Malakor and the remnants of his tribe making their way back to their former dwellings – in some old ancient dwarven bath house? Seems that the sewers connect to some ancient ruins. Malakor quickly explains that since their last meeting things had gone badly for his clan – the World Forge dwarves had driven them out of the bathhouse – blamed the company for their misfortunes, but was not seeking retribution as the riots have allowed them a chance to return home. Further, Malakor seemed to be reassured that the company did not lead any one down or tell anyone about the goblins.

Margin note: Goblins were “modified” by Anc.Dwrf from human or other race – fact confirmed by Thorfus. Ask for clarification. Bioforge records?

Malkor confirmed that no Grey Cloaks were currently in the sewers as far as he knew and confirmed our orientation towards Thornton’s home.

We arrived at the right location with no further encounters. Chuq, using his mind-probing skull cap, was able to confirm that and indicated that there were at least two guards and two servants attending. My own exploring confirmed a third guard that was “heard” by Axel’s clairaudience potion (as I was later informed).

Using Axel’s potion – we were able to confirm that Jardin/Thornton was indeed home and in his room. Unfortunately I was not able to spy his room, but did identify an entry point above the kitchen using the monks’ ability to move through shadows.

Margin Note: KalGn says sh.beast was a corrupted DVL or “construct” created to monitor/protect transpatial conduits (= shadow world!). Could the conduits be used to save us? As a weapon against the invasion? The Emperor? Explore.

After quickly checking the tunnels beneath the mansion for secret passages (without luck) a plan was devised. We decided to shadow-step to the room above the kitchen (likely servant quarters) then make our way to Jardin/Thornton’s room and deal with him.

The plan was sound – but again we were thwarted. It seems that our opponent can detect when Chuq uses his ability to move through shadows and was ready for us – again. However, this time he wanted to talk – which Thorfus agreed to.

Although I doubted he would be able to use the same magical ruse on us so quickly after confronting us earlier in the evening I kept silent – anyone powerful enough to cast such magic was not to be taken lightly. I was right to keep my tongue.

The imposter was Jardin an Imperial Agent my fellows suspected was the culprit. He told us he had apparently only recently “replaced” Thornton when an opportunity arose and continued to explain that he was trying to expedite the transition of Curabel back to the Imperial fold. It seems that the Imperials also know that doom is approaching us all.

Margin note: Our Thornton was no more. In hindsight, should have requested his body. -ED.

He further mentioned a few troubling truths. I say truths because our LiarBox did not shake during our entire discussion.

1. Baldric Evenkeel was a dragon – son of the Emperor himself. I wonder if Aldus or the other Elder Elves know this?

2. That he had been influenced by a dwarven crown/device to rebel against the Emperor.

3. That the Emperor killed Baldric (showed us a magical recording of the fight)

4. That the leader of the Chuq’s Order has joined the Emperor. Much to Adhemar’s and Chuq’s surprise.

5. Jardin is a dragon – he never said it, but it was implied.

6. The Emperor believes he’s best suited to repel the invasion, provided that Curabel is within the Empire.

5. The know about the invasion because many dwarven devices in their possession suddenly reactivated. They deduced that they’re returning.

6. They know little about the “Dark King” and don’t seem to be worried about him.

7. They know about Marchmain and the silver throne. How much they know is unclear.

Margin Note: Didn’t believe us when we told them that their would be no invasion – the Anc.Dwrf will destroy us from above. -ED.

He then offered us a deal – let him continue masquerading as Thornton and he’d clear our names, and the names of Chuq’s fellow monks who were now being accused of murdering Davro – our last influential ally in Midmark.

We debated it and reluctantly agreed to it – with some conditions:

1. No harm will come to Aldus Runnelbrook

2. All information they have on the Glass-steel from the ruins of agmar’s folly- he feigned no knowledge of it.

3. Ademhar and the other masters would become “advisors” to Thornton (after they were cleared of course)

4. We’d be given Grell’s mansion.

5. We’d be given Grell’s location so that we can bring him to justice.

6. We’d be given some power cells

Ronin hated this deal, and only agreed to it because he trusts Chuq and Thorfus. Chuq looked conflicted and almost wavering, but even he agreed to it. Thorfus and Axel – ever the pragmatists – were quick to agree.

I cannot stomach this deal. I fear for the elves and half-elves like Ronin and I should the Empire gain the upper hand. I’ve heard the stories, seen the evidence. It will be the end of our kind.

I did not voice my disapproval of this deal, though I doubt my voice would have dissuaded the group – I guess I agreed to it through my silence, so be it.

After what I’ve seen I am tempted to let this world burn, leave to some remote mountain top or island and watch us enter oblivion. Yet I still have hope that we’ll survive this – what will come of it after? Who knows.

That said, of course, the Imperials cannot be trusted. I know the others know this, question is, who will betray the other first? Us or them?

One last thing – should I send word to the Elves? Would they believe me, a half-elf? I shudder to think what they’d do if they did.