Session Sixty-One (Graveyard of Empires Summary)

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Session 61 summary

To: Brother Mac

I send word by raven today brother, hopefully this message gets to you soon enough. I know it’s been a fortnight since we last spoken but the group I left with is not the same group I am with now.

Without getting in to much detail all that you need to know for now is that I am alright and am in good company. They have no love for the Empire that is for certain and I’m not having to look over my shoulder here at the edge of the world.

Since I have come up out of the ruins there has been a few events that have taken place. Firstly the snakes that guarded the entrance to the ruins are no longer in power.

Second the dwarves are trying now to fill that vacuum. They wish for the group I’m now running with to tie up any loose ends if you catch my meaning.

But then there is another faction here that works from the shadows of the ruins. This bunch of low life scum call themselves the Raptors. I’m sure you would get along great with these Sallies just fine, if you were here.

Anyways I wish I could be more specific but there is to much going on right now and I fear that this message may get intercepted.

I will write again as soon as I can, but until then take care of yourself brother, I know somehow you always do.

-Fitz Ravan